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Friday, March 18, 2011


So while looking at facebook I have discovered several of the people I have known over the years. at least in name. most of them, like me, have added a hundred pounds to their once youthful frame and sired a brood. As i peruse the pictures of once svelt revelers in their new occupations as fathers, engineers, world savers, i am brought back to my own youth. specifically the first year of community college. My hair was a little long, i was thin, and the only thing that was important to me was being happy in the long run.
a lot more though should have gone into that. Now I have two children. the oldest will die if I don't put fresh batteries into her learn-to-annoy laptop and the youngest would rather smile at me than latch on to her bottle and immediately screams when the nipple ultimately slips out of her toothless grin. I want to be in shape for them.
Pundits will tell you "pear is a shape". oh. ha. ha.
So we traded the thrift store double stroller with a bad case of ambli-wheel-ia for the jogging stroller. And my rotting fall-off-the-feet ($5 new) velcro closure trainers have been upgraded to size 13 wide nike trail running kayaks. I got an ipod... or at least thats what i've sharpied onto the lovely and less expensive coby mp3 player. and i'm ready to get back in shape. human shape. I can make it up a flight of stairs shape. I can run with my kids shape. i can instill the value of healthy play without being a big fat hypocrite shape.

Only now, i've got to feed the babies. change the diapers. stop the screaming. fold the stroller and unfold it in the front yard and hope nobody steals it while i bundle and load the babies and wander out without stretching to a world of shin splints and jostled kidneys.

will it be worth it? of course. even if i only make it a mile the first few days. it will be worth it to have ben folds screaming in my ears under my red terry cloth headband and the wind rushing by.

it will be worth it to have my pants fit better and my heart beat stronger and my friends say, have you lost weight?

There are a lot of "mommy bloggers" out there. Its nice. but this is the beginning of the daddy blogger era.

welcome to the two screaming monkeys, getting my fat ass back in shape, hacking things with linux, looking at cool pictures of sci fi junk and building a couple dalek high chairs blog.
maybe dooce will follow me!

oh yeah... buy an mp3 player

1 comment:

  1. I love your shape now. I'll love your shape later. Overall, I love that you want to do this for the girls.
